Upcoming Events

11 May 2024

Whether you're a sideline supporter or former social grade toiler; a junior player or a Jubilee Cup winner. Join us for our new Club Day...

12 May 2024

The Club extends a warm invitation to the Marist St Pats family to join in the celebration of the Annual Club Mass...

31 May 2024

It's 40 years since the first J6 team and we're hosting a reunion for players and management who were involved these grades over the years...

Latest News

5 May 2024

While the sun was shining on another stunning autumn afternoon, the results at Hutt Rec weren't so hot...

29 April 2024

Former Premier player John McBeth has bestowed a great honour on MSP by presenting his military medals to the club...

29 April 2024

While rugby often builds 'brotherhood' amongst teams, Marist St Pats has a long tradition of brothers playing for the club...

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